Rihanna hat dem amerikanischen Glamour Magazin das erste "tell all" Interview gegeben, seitdem sie von ihrem damaligen Freund Chris Brown böse verprügelt worden ist. Oder wie man mittlerweile in den USA umgangssprachlich sagt - he Ike Turnerd her.
Das dem Glamour Magazin die Ehre des ersten Interviews zugekommen ist, dürfte entweder am Geld gelegen haben oder der Tatsache, dass sie Rihanna zur "Woman of the Year 2009" gekürt haben - es soll uns egal sein. Beim Lesen des Interviews ist mir dieser unglaublich einfühlsame und perfekte Übergang von einer Frage zur nächsten aufgefallen, ich will ihn gerne mit euch teilen.
Glamour: If you could offer a message to the millions of young women who look up to you, what would you tell someone who found herself in a similar situation?
Rihanna: Domestic violence is a big secret. No kid goes around and lets people know their parents fight. Teenage girls can’t tell their parents that their boyfriend beat them up. You don’t dare let your neighbor know that you fight. It’s one of the things we [women] will hide, because it’s embarrassing. My story was broadcast all over the world for people to see, and they have followed every step of my recovery. The positive thing that has come out of my situation is that people can learn from that. I want to give as much insight as I can to young women, because I feel like I represent a voice that really isn’t heard. Now I can help speak for those women.
Glamour: I think that’s a great message. What about your new album? What’s it like?
Rihanna: I was involved in a lot of the writing...
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